Project ENGAGES is a high school science education program developed at Georgia Tech in partnership with Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy, B.E.S.T Academy, South Atlanta High School, Benjamin E. Mays High School, D.M. Therrell High School, Booker T. Washington High School, and Charles R. Drew Charter School, and KIPP Atlanta Collegiate, eight public high schools in the City of Atlanta. 

  • Raise the awareness of students to the world of engineering, science, and technology through real-world, hands-on research projects led by top-notch Georgia Tech scientists and to expose students to the career path possibilities in engineering and science.

  • Improve the partner schools’ current science education program through direct interaction with the science classes at these schools and through a teacher training initiative that immerses teachers in ongoing research within Georgia Tech laboratories.

The future of the U.S. rests on being at the forefront of science and technology and to do this requires that we have a STEM-educated workforce. It also is recognized that the most creative engineering teams are the ones that are the most divergent. It is our motivation that we bring students into the STEM fields to inspire them to aspire for high achievement and success.

Apply Now to be a 2025-26 Project ENGAGES Mentor!

*Note: deadline extended to March 7, 2025

Project ENGAGES provides an opportunity for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to mentor high school students in research while gaining valuable mentoring and project management experience.

Apply Now to be a 2025-26 Project ENGAGES Scholar!

Students who are selected are expected to spend a minimum of 35 hours/week in their Georgia Tech research laboratory and participate in enrichment programs during the summer and 15 hours/week in their Georgia Tech research laboratory during the school year.

Spring 2025 Semester Calendar

Click here to view the Spring 2025 Project ENGAGES Fall semester calendar. 

Project ENGAGES Industry Visits

Project ENGAGES scholars have the opportunity to gain additional exposure to new research and medical technology through industry visits. Businesses, such as Axion Biosystems, C.R. Bard, and Dendreon, have opened their doors to provide company tours to these scholars and educate them on how their industry works and employment opportunities. Early exposure to such companies will enable these scholars to start planning for their future careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Giving Opportunities

Those wishing to support Project ENGAGES financially may do so online with these steps:

  1. Select the following link –
  1. Under “Designation,” choose “Make a Special Gift to Georgia Tech (write in your preference)” from the drop-down menu.
  1. Enter “Project ENGAGES (#55A493)” in the open field.
  1. Complete the remaining instructions on the online form to make a gift via credit card or other payment options.

Donations can also be made by mailing a check payable to the “Georgia Tech Foundation” to the following address:

Georgia Tech Foundation
760 Spring Street NW, Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30308

Note: Please designate the gift for “ENGAGES (Fund# 55A493)” in the memo line of your check.

For questions about your giving, such as multi-year commitments, gifts of securities, endowments, or estate gifts, please contact Luke O’Connell at or (404) 385-0471.