Project ENGAGES is an initiative started at Georgia Tech by the National Science Foundation-funded Science and Technology Center (STC) on the Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems (EBICS). This STC involves in addition to Georgia Tech, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The financial support for Project ENGAGES comes from the following:

Friends of Project ENGAGES: There are many individuals who have generously donated to support this program. For this, we are deeply appreciative.
Giving Opportunities
Those wishing to support Project ENGAGES financially may do so online with these steps:
- Select the following link –
- Under “Designation,” choose “Make a Special Gift to Georgia Tech (write in your preference)” from the drop-down menu.
- Enter “Project ENGAGES (#55A493)” in the open field.
- Complete the remaining instructions on the online form to make a gift via credit card or other payment options.
Donations can also be made by mailing a check payable to the “Georgia Tech Foundation” to the following address:
Georgia Tech Foundation
760 Spring Street NW, Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30308
Note: Please designate the gift for “ENGAGES (Fund# 55A493)” in the memo line of your check.
For questions about your giving, such as multi-year commitments, gifts of securities, endowments, or estate gifts, please contact Luke O’Connell at or (404) 385-0471.